Facts About Oral Disease

Oral Health

Oral disease—what is it and what should parents know? Contrary to what many believe, oral disease isn’t a single condition. It’s actually a group of conditions that can be affected and caused by a range of factors. 

Not to worry, though; there are plenty of ways you can help your children to steer clear of these conditions and maintain their healthy smile. Here’s what parents should know about oral disease in children: 

What Causes Oral Disease? 

Oral disease can be caused by a range of factors, just like many other conditions. Some of the most impactful triggers include: 


  • Environmental factors: This is a broad term that can define anything in the environment that can bring on or catalyze a disease process. For example: Your child’s diet can be an environmental factor that can contribute to their overall oral health. 
  • Underlying conditions: Certain health conditions that may already be present in your child’s health profile (such as autoimmune conditions) can spur on oral disease. 
  • Oral hygiene changes: Children can be especially susceptible to oral disease, as they are still building solid oral health habits. Parents can help by getting involved and demonstrating healthy patterns. 


How Many People Have Oral Disease 

The World Health Organization estimates that oral disease can affect approximately 3.5 billion people at any time. It is incredibly common—and is one of the reasons why seeing a pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC is so important. Your pediatric dentist can slow the spread of disease or prevent it entirely. 

What Does “Oral Disease” Include? 

There are many different conditions that fall under this umbrella, including: 


  • Tooth loss: This doesn’t really count for “baby teeth.” Tooth loss in this context can occur after trauma or tooth decay that has progressed. It can occur in children due to illness or poor brushing habits. 
  • Gum disease: This is often preceded by gum pain or redness, as well as bleeding. It can lead to tooth loss if untreated. 
  • Oro-dental trauma: Trauma can occur in this area due to sports or direct impact from play. If you believe that your child is experiencing this, it’s best to get them in right away for an assessment. 


Where Is The Best Local Pediatric Dentist in Greenville, NC? 

If you’re looking to have your child evaluated for oral disease, we’re here to help. Our kid’s dentists in Greenville, NC specialize in preventative care and early intervention for your child’s oral health needs. Connect with us online to learn more. 

What Is a Dental Emergency?

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Knowing when to visit an emergency pediatric dentist can help your child avoid preventable pain, ease your worry, and even save you money in the long run. As the top kids’ dentist in Greenville, NC, Wilson Pediatric Dentistry can provide rapid assessments and care for various timely situations like knocked-out teeth, abscesses, or swelling. Learn when to visit your emergency dentist in Greenville and rest easy.

What Is an Emergency Pediatric Dentist?

An emergency pediatric dentist addresses sudden, painful, and urgent dental needs within a 24-hour window, giving your children quick relief and treatment and preventing conditions from deteriorating. At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, we have a designated emergency hotline specifically for scheduling and getting your children in as quickly as possible.

Emergency dentistry covers a wide range of different ailments and situations, ranging from abscessed, impacted teeth to sports accidents. It also encompasses damaged or lost crowns, loose fillings, and chips. It can also be highly preventative, as chipped or cracked teeth could develop dangerous and painful abscesses and require root canals or total extraction.

When to See an Emergency Dentist in Greenville

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s oral health, we encourage you to get in touch. Our team can help determine what sort of care they need and whether an emergency appointment is necessary. Our priority if your care, and every case is different. There are, however, some situations that almost certainly require emergency care.

Chipped Teeth

Cracked or chipped teeth can be initially painful, but the real danger with damaged teeth is that bacteria can get into the crack and form an infection. Intensive dental care is often required when this happens. If your child chips or cracks their tooth, give us a call. We will be able to fully assess the situation and determine whether immediate dental care is required.

Missing Teeth

While chips and cracks happen occasionally, knocked-out teeth are a much more traumatic experience and can be more painful for your child. If possible, it’s essential to find and keep the tooth and contact our team immediately. Put the tooth in some milk to preserve it for as long as possible while waiting for your appointment.

Swollen Jaw

Swelling can be problematic and often constitutes a dental emergency. If your child experiences a facial injury, is having trouble talking, chewing, or moving their mouth, or has a lot of swelling, it’s time to give us a call.


Abscesses are oral infections that generally manifest themselves in swelling and pus. They can be very painful for your child and require immediate emergency dental care. Abscesses can form from untreated chips and cracks and can worsen if not immediately treated by our team.

The Top Choice for Pediatric Dentists in Greenville

Get in touch if your child has dental pain, swelling, or missing or cracked teeth. Our team will answer any questions, talk you through treatment, and get your child an appointment as soon as possible if appropriate. For peace of mind and excellent care, call Wilson Pediatric Dentistry at 252-291-4300.

Why Pediatric Dentists Outshine Regular Dentists

Used Cars

When it comes to your child’s dental care, you may wonder if it’s necessary to seek out a pediatric dentist instead of a regular dentist. Let’s explore the key differences that make a pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC, the ideal choice for your little one.


Pediatric Dentists: The Right Choice For Kids


Additional Training and Expertise

Pediatric dentists undergo rigorous training beyond dental school, focusing specifically on children’s unique dental needs. They acquire in-depth knowledge of child development, including oral growth and behavior management techniques. They are equipped to address the changing needs of young patients. 


Knowledge of Child Development

Dentists who study pediatrics understand that children’s dental needs evolve as they grow. They possess the expertise to anticipate and address these changes, ensuring that your child’s dental care is always tailored to their specific stage of development. By considering factors such as teething, thumb-sucking habits, and the eruptions of permanent teeth, they offer tailored solutions to support healthy dental development.


Child-Centered Approach

These professionals prioritize creating a friendly and welcoming environment that puts children at ease. They know how to communicate with young patients effectively, using easily understandable language and explanations. By fostering a positive and comfortable dental experience, they help children develop a lifelong appreciation for oral health.


Specialized Equipment

Dentists specializing in pediatrics have an arsenal of tools specifically designed for children’s dental care. From smaller instruments to gentle x-ray techniques, these professionals ensure that your child receives the most accurate diagnosis and the least discomfort during procedures.


Strong Communication Skills

Pediatric dentists excel in connecting with both children and parents, explaining procedures and addressing any concerns or questions. Their ability to build rapport and establish trust helps create a positive dental experience for the child and a sense of reassurance for parents.


Better Results


Early Detection

Pediatric dentists have a keen eye for detecting even the subtlest hints of dental problems. Their thorough examinations encompass a comprehensive evaluation of teeth, gums, and overall oral health.


Early Intervention

By detecting and addressing dental issues early on, dentists specializing in pediatrics can intervene promptly when necessary. They can address oral habits like thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting, or pacifier use that can impact dental development. 


Early Prevention

Prevention is always better than cure, and these specialists focus on educating both children and parents about proper oral hygiene practices. They teach children to brush and floss effectively, instilling good habits from an early age. Additionally, they offer preventative treatments like dental sealants and fluoride applications to protect your child’s teeth from decay.


By choosing a dentist specializing in pediatrics, you’re giving your child the advantage of focused care, early detection, intervention, and prevention, in a positive environment.  Please make an appointment with Wilson Pediatric Dentistry today, and together, let’s ensure that your child’s smile shines brightly for years to come.


Why Does My Child Keep Getting Cavities?

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It can be challenging when your children get cavities, even though you help them brush and try to limit sugary foods. Cavities are common, affecting more than half of kids by age 8, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When our patients need a cavity filling in Greenville, NC, we explain why cavities occur and provide tips to prevent future tooth decay. We’ve also developed this guide to help keep your kids’ teeth cavity-free.

Causes of Cavities

Cavities occur when bacteria in the mouth combine with food particles on the teeth to form plaque. This sticky substance erodes the tooth’s protective enamel and eventually creates a tiny hole called a cavity. 

Cavities are more common in children who:

  • Do not brush and floss regularly
  • Do not visit the dentist at least once a year
  • Eat foods that leave starch and sugar on the teeth, including sweets, candy, bread, cereal, fruit juice, and soda
  • Live somewhere without fluoride in the water supply

Cavity Treatments for Kids

If your child has a cavity, treatment can prevent tooth loss and the spread of decay. Cavity treatments typically require fillings. The dentist will remove the affected part of the tooth and fill the hole with a durable material such as resin or acrylic.

If a cavity gets too large, the dentist may need to remove the entire tooth and replace it with an artificial tooth called a crown. 

Steps to Prevent Cavities

You can take these steps to reduce the chance that your child will get cavities.

Start Cleaning Teeth Right Away

Clean your child’s first baby teeth with a soft piece of gauze as soon as you see them emerge. Help toddlers and preschoolers brush with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Supervise brushing and flossing until your child can clean teeth independently (at least 6 for most kids).

Emphasize Good Nutrition

Consider replacing fruit juice and soda with water to reduce the risk of cavities. Feeding your child a healthy diet with limited sugary snacks and sweets is also important.

You should also visit a pediatric dentist for cleanings and checkups every 6 months. Wilson Pediatric Dentistry provides comprehensive oral health care for children, including dental fillings in Greenville, NC. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your kids so we can help you develop a strong cavity-prevention plan.

How Important Are Regular Teeth Cleanings?

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If you wonder whether regular dental cleanings are necessary for your child, the answer is yes! Professional teeth cleaning by a pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC, can promote oral health and hygiene. Let’s look at how essential regular teeth cleaning is for your little one.

Teeth cleaning involves removing plaque, tartar, and food debris from the teeth. A pediatric dentist uses special tools to clean the teeth, including areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. Here are the top reasons why teeth cleanings are crucial for your child.

Prevent Cavities

Every child who has teeth is at risk of tooth decay. However, the risk is higher in children who eat foods that cause cavities or have poor oral hygiene habits. Teeth cleaning eliminates plaque and tartar, the primary causes of cavities. It also gets rid of food particles stuck between the teeth, which discourages the buildup of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Fight Gum Disease

Plaque buildup on the teeth can cause children to develop gum disease or gingivitis. Gum disease is prevalent among children who have poor oral hygiene. Luckily, regular dental cleanings can help prevent it. The procedure removes plaque from the teeth and eliminates bacteria that infect the gums. This helps keep the gums healthy and strong.

Prevent Premature Tooth Loss

Tooth decay can weaken your child’s enamel and increase the risk of premature loss of the milk teeth. Gum disease can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, which leaves the teeth with inadequate support. As a result, the milk teeth can loosen and fall out before their time.

Your child should get regular dental cleanings, even if they have milk teeth. Frequent cleanings curb tooth decay and strengthen the gum line, preventing premature loss of the milk teeth.

Brighten the Teeth

Although stained and discolored teeth are considered an adult problem, they are also an issue for kids. Plaque, oral medication, and highly pigmented foods can discolor your child’s teeth.

Dental cleanings brighten the teeth by removing the existing stains. They also prevent discoloration from oral supplements your child takes daily. The bright, beautiful smile that follows can boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem.

Get Rid of Bad Breath

Poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, and gum disease can cause bad breath, also known as halitosis. If your little one has bad breath, schedule a professional cleaning immediately. The cleaning procedure will eliminate the harmful oral bacteria responsible for halitosis. Your pediatric dentist will also treat tooth decay and other dental conditions that may be responsible for the problem.

How Often Should Your Child Get Their Teeth Cleaned?

There are no set rules on how often children should get their teeth cleaned. The frequency of dental cleanings varies depending on a child’s unique needs. For example, frequent cleanings and examinations may be required to maintain optimal health if a child is at risk of cavities or gum disease.

Schedule Your Child’s Teeth Cleaning in Greenville, NC

Protect your child’s oral health by scheduling frequent teeth cleanings. If you don’t have a pediatric dentist, we are accepting new patients at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Our friendly staff will make your child feel at ease throughout each procedure. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Treating Your Child’s Cavities

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Maintaining your child’s dental health is essential to their overall well-being, and cavity prevention is a critical aspect of dental health. Need some help keeping your child’s teeth and gums healthy? Here are some tips from your pediatric dentist in Greenville on cavity prevention, as well as information on where you can go if you need a cavity filling for your child.

Encourage Brushing and Flossing

The first line of defense between your child and tooth decay is good habits with brushing and flossing. Ensure that you provide a good-quality toothbrush and a dentist-recommended toothpaste to provide the foundation your child needs for good dental health. Your pediatric dentist can help you find the right products. As your child ages, you might consider adding mouthwash to their routine.

Make sure your child is dedicating around two minutes to brushing twice a day, both in the morning and in the evening. You should also help them work on their brushing technique to ensure hard-to-reach areas, such as around the molars at the back of the mouth, are being cleaned.

Make Water the Drink of Choice

Sodas, energy drinks, juices, and other sugary drinks are one of the leading causes of tooth decay. This is especially true for children, who many of these products are marketed towards. Limiting your child’s consumption of sugary drinks such as these is one of the best steps you can take toward preventing cavities.

Encourage your child to drink water on a regular basis as a way to promote good dental health. Soda and other sweet drinks might be alright for an occasional treat, but it’s important to limit the amount your child consumes by making sure it isn’t their usual go-to drink.

Eliminate Sugary and Processed Foods

Your child’s diet has a major impact on their dental health. More and more, our supermarkets are dominated by processed foods that are high in sugar and other harmful ingredients. While the convenience and ease foods like these offer make them easy to choose to save time and effort in our busy lives, it’s important that you don’t let these foods become the primary staple of your child’s diet.

Shop for fresh produce and other wholesome ingredients for your meals. Home-cooked meals don’t have a high sugar content and other factors that will negatively impact your child’s dental health. As an added bonus, sitting together for tasty home-cooked meals will also give you time to enjoy some quality moments together, sharing memorable meals.

Get Cavity Filling from Your Pediatric Dentist in Greenville

Need more information on pediatric dental health or any treatment for your child? Our experts are standing by to provide everyday treatments, fillings for cavities, and all your pediatric dental health needs. Schedule an appointment with our caring staff to keep your child’s smile as bright as their future.

Appropriate Age for Children’s Dental Exams

Protecting a child’s health is important to all parents, and one crucial element of achieving that goal is good dental hygiene practices. But when should you bring your child in for their first dental check-up? Read on for the answer to that question and to learn about the benefits of visiting a pediatric dentist.

Appropriate Age for Children’s Dental Exams

Your child should come in for their first check-up with a dentist when they are 12 months old or within six months of their first tooth growing in. This will help catch any problems early so they can be treated accordingly before they grow any more severe. Your child’s first visit will be quick, typically taking a half hour and 45 minutes.

Benefits of Good Dental Hygiene

Healthier Teeth and Gums

The most apparent benefit of coming in for regular check-ups is protecting the health of your child’s teeth and gums. Your child will be protected from tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental health issues. Because these problems can worsen if left untreated, keeping up with your child’s dental health visits is essential.

Uninterrupted Learning

When a child has a cavity or other dental issue, it might involve missing school to treat the problem or recover from a procedure. This can lead to the child falling behind on their education and coursework. Children with good dental hygiene typically miss less school than those with poor dental hygiene.

Greater Confidence

Along with the tangible benefits of good dental hygiene, the benefits it has for your child’s outlook, and self-esteem can’t be ignored. A smile they can feel good about will work wonders for your child’s confidence. This will allow them to approach any challenge they face in life feeling ready to overcome it. 

Find a Pediatric Dentist Near You

Want to learn more about maintaining your child’s hygiene to keep their teeth healthy? We have the resources you need to educate yourself about your child’s dental health needs. Visit Wilson Pediatric Dentistry today to learn more about our services.

When Can Your Child Receive Braces After a Cavity Filling?

A child’s dental health is vital to their overall well-being, which is why parents have a responsibility to provide them with cavity filling treatment, orthodontic treatment, and anything else they might require. But if your child is in need of treatment and has had fillings put in before, you may be wondering if it’s possible to install braces afterward. Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about kids’ braces and how they affect fillings.

A child can safely receive braces immediately after having a filling put in to treat a cavity so long as those fillings are in good condition. While braces provide excellent results when it comes to the straightening of teeth, there are still other dental concerns to keep in mind. Fillings help to amend damage done by tooth decay so that your child can enjoy a healthy smile and avoid the pain that can result from an untreated cavity.

In fact, it’s best to have any cavities filled before braces are put in. Braces can obstruct access to various areas of the mouth, making putting in a filling after the braces have been installed quite difficult. Your child’s orthodontic specialist can assess the situation and develop a plan that will work best for their needs.

Will Kids’ Braces Affect a Cavity Filling?

As long as any fillings that are present are in good shape at the time that an orthodontic device is installed, the braces won’t cause any harm to them. The precise process used to install the braces will ensure that no damage is done to the fillings. An orthodontic expert will assess the quality of the fillings before installing braces to ensure that they’re in the quality condition they need to be to hold up throughout the process.

Get the Orthodontic Treatment Your Child Needs

Our team of experts is standing by to help your child maintain their dental health. We’ll treat you with the courtesy and respect you deserve through every step of the process. Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for all your early orthodontic care needs or to find out about the children’s braces we offer.

Learning About Pediatric Dentist Emergency Care with Wilson Pediatrics

You want to do everything you can to protect your child, and that includes being able to help them in an emergency situation. When your child needs emergency dental care, you must know how to respond. Read on for some tips from a pediatric dentist about how to handle your child’s dental emergency.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any dental situation that requires immediate attention. Pediatric dental emergencies come in many different forms. For instance, tooth decay that is left untreated could grow severe enough to become an emergency. A cut on the lips or gums that becomes infected could also constitute a dental emergency.

Other dental emergencies are caused by sudden trauma. These include broken or fractured teeth, teeth that have been knocked out, or a broken jaw. All of these events cause acute pain and need to be treated by a dental professional as soon as possible.

What to Do In a Dental Emergency

Stay Calm and Act Fast

Although your child experiencing a dental emergency is frightening, it’s important that you keep a cool head so that you can handle the situation properly. Panicking will only make the experience more traumatic for your child, so maintain your composure to help ease their stress.

One of the best ways you can keep your child calm in this distressing event is knowing what to do when responding to the situation. Keep contact information on hand for pediatric emergency dental care. This will allow you to respond promptly, reassuring your child that you know what to do to help them.

Call for Emergency Dental Care Immediately

Acting fast is vital in a dental emergency. The sooner you get the emergency treated, the better the results will be for your child. Acting fast may enable dental professionals to save any teeth that were damaged in the emergency.

Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for help in a dental emergency and all your other pediatric needs. We’re standing by to provide the high-quality care that your child deserves. 

Will Cavity Treatment Prevent a Root Canal?

Children’s teeth are constantly bombarded by harmful substances that wear down tooth enamel and cause damage. Children tend to develop cavities, especially around the holidays. Without cavity treatment, these small recesses could lead to bigger issues. In the most serious cases, pediatric root canal treatment might be necessary. While the best course of action is to prevent cavities altogether, a cavity filling can prevent further damage to your child’s teeth.


Can Cavity Fillings Prevent Root Canal Issues?

Cavities Can Lead to Pediatric Root Canal Treatment

Cavities are a form of permanent tooth damage. Simple cavities break through the outer layer, the enamel. These cavities may not demonstrate any symptoms until they penetrate down to the dentin, the inner layer. However, cavities trap food and bacteria inside, which can lead to an infection deeper in the tooth. When this happens, a root canal may be necessary. A cavity filling is recommended to stop damage from spreading to this point.


Root canals are required when an infection develops in the pulp of the tooth. These infections cannot be treated with antibiotics as they’re too deep for medications to penetrate. Fortunately, root canals today are easy to perform and won’t cause significant pain, but we would prefer to avoid more serious treatments entirely by treating cavities as soon as they’re spotted.


Effective Cavity Treatments

When it comes to treating cavities, the best approach is a filling. Depending on the location of the cavity, your dentist might recommend different types of filling. The most expensive options are gold and porcelain, which are generally only recommended for adult teeth.


For baby teeth, amalgam fillings are preferred since they are more affordable. Another option are composite resin fillings. These appear more natural, but don’t last as long as they can also be stained like regular teeth. For baby teeth that won’t be there much longer, they’re a good option to consider. Your pediatric dentist will recommend the best type of filling given the situation.


Preventing Cavities Prevents Root Canals

The best approach is to be proactive and prevent cavities from forming in the first place. With no cavities, there won’t be any need to worry about treating them or potentially needing a root canal. Even if your child is a diligent tooth brusher, it’s important to come in for regular teeth cleaning. Not only does this reduce the chances of developing a cavity in the first place, but it also helps spot minor cavities before they become bigger problems.


If your child has been complaining about a tooth or hasn’t had a cleaning in some time, schedule an appointment with Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in Greenville, NC today.

Learn Healthy Dental Hygiene From a Pediatric Dentist

Dental hygiene is important for overall health, especially for children. If your kids start with a good foundation for oral health, they will carry these lessons into adulthood. Healthy dental hygiene will reduce or prevent many future oral problems including ulcers, gingivitis, or even root canals. Here are some tips on how to help your kids learn good teeth cleaning in Greenville, NC.

Learn Healthy Dental Hygiene From a Pediatric Dentist

Start at an Early Age

Kids learn very quickly as they grow, and visiting a dentist at an early age helps them to understand the importance of their teeth. It is advisable to visit a pediatric dentist and book regular visits with a kids dentist as soon as your child’s first tooth appears. 


If you have more than one child, it’s a great idea to take your kids for a teeth cleaning service at the same time. Try combining the visit with a fun family activity on the same day to positively reinforce the dental visit.

Regular Dental Visits

Most problems with children’s teeth can be prevented by regular dental visits. This allows your dentist to maintain your child’s baby teeth. On average, a child should visit the dentist at least ten times before starting kindergarten. If your child’s baby teeth are healthy from regular checkups, their adult teeth should develop without any problems.

Lead by Example

As a parent, you are the most important role model for your kids. They look up to you for guidance, and this extends to dental care. If you demonstrate to your child the right way to brush their teeth, they will copy you. Children need to build a routine as they grow and brushing your teeth with your children together is a fun and important way to teach them great dental habits.

Provide Healthy Substitutes

Everyone loves sugar. The problem is too much sugar can cause serious damage to teeth, especially in children. As a substitute, try using little bags of healthier fruit or raw vegetables for your kids. Fruits and vegetables will provide essential vitamins and minerals, which further improve their dental health.


Talk With Your Dentist

Your child’s dental health is as important as their physical health. Your friendly pediatric dentist is here to help your child build a firm foundation for a lifetime of bright smiles and good dental hygiene. We also provide extra tips and advice at Serving Greenville.


Contact us at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry to introduce your child to a lifetime of good dental hygiene and book a teeth cleaning service today.

Sparing Your Kids’ Teeth from Halloween Candy

Sparing Your Kids’ Teeth from Halloween Candy

You might expect that a dentist will tell you to keep your kids away from all Halloween candy to help protect their teeth. While avoiding candy is generally a good idea, we understand that it is not always practical. If you want to let your children enjoy this fun holiday while sparing their teeth, we can help. The following pediatric dentistry tips will ensure your kids’ teeth (and your own) make it through Halloween strong and healthy.

Keep the Sweets in Moderation

Enjoying candy and other sweet foods is fine as long as it is done in moderation. Just like your stomach may feel sick after over-indulging in candy, your teeth can also experience problems when exposed to constant candy. Picking out just a couple pieces of candy per day will not only let you enjoy it for longer, but will help to keep your teeth strong.

Choose the Right Candies

When it comes to oral care, not all candies are the same. It is a good idea to keep your kids away from sticky and chewy candy like taffy because it tends to get trapped between teeth. It is difficult for anyone, especially kids, to remove this type of candy – even with brushing. Another type of candy to avoid is hard candies and suckers since they remain in your mouth for extended periods of time.

Candies that you can enjoy quickly and then easily rinse away (with water or brushing) are ideal. Great examples of this will include chocolates, peanut butter cups, and other similar items.

Make Sure to Brush After Enjoying Candy

When you are finished with your candy for the day, make sure to brush your teeth as soon as possible. Even if it isn’t part of your normal brushing routine, this will help to remove all the sugar from your mouth so bacteria and acids do not develop and cause damage to your teeth.

Schedule a Cleaning Today

One of the best things you can do to make sure your kid’s teeth are kept strong and healthy is to schedule them for regular cleanings at your dentist. We can help provide a deep cleaning that goes beyond what brushing can do. We will also look for signs of cavities, gum disease, and other issues so they can be addressed as early as possible. Finally, we can offer additional tips and advice specifically for your child to help them learn better oral care. We offer pediatric dentistry in Greenville,schedule an appointment today.