Early Orthodontic Care? Rocky Mount Pediatric Dentist Says Yes

child visits pediatric dentist for orthodontic evaluation

It’s well known that getting a teeth cleaning on a regular schedule is a great way to catch and prevent possible dental issues from occurring in the future. But at what age should your child have an orthodontic evaluation?

Read on to learn more about when your child should see an orthodontist.

When to Seek Orthodontic Care for Your Child

Orthodontic treatments, such as braces, are procedures that many people view as something that’s done in the teenage years. While it’s true that most kids end up waiting until all of their secondary teeth have come in, performing preventive or corrective orthodontic care on children as young as 6 or 7 years old can have developmental benefits.

With interceptive orthodontics — another name for early orthodontic care — your pediatric dentist can make sure that your child’s permanent teeth are developing in the correct position.

Dr. Jasmine Elmore recommends having your child screened when his or her permanent teeth begin to emerge, usually around 6 years old. At this young age, the jaw and palate are still growing, making it the ideal time to correct anything that isn’t developing properly.

Early orthodontic care uses appliances, such as braces and palatal expanders, to make sure your child’s mouth has space for adult teeth. It can also help straighten crooked teeth, steer the growth of the palate or jaw, and correct any damage that stems from bad habits, including prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use.

We’re committed to ensuring the health and wellness of our young patients’ teeth. We understand that kids’ developing teeth have different needs than the teeth of adults. That’s why we monitor your child’s development to ensure his or her dental health is on the right track, and we’ll advise you when they need an orthodontic evaluation.

Pediatric Dentistry Near Rocky Mount, NC

Are you looking for a pediatric dentist near Rocky Mount, NC? Wilson Pediatric Dental will make your child’s visits for routine cleanings and preventative and corrective procedures as comfortable as possible thanks to our friendly staff and colorful exam rooms. Schedule an appointment online, or call our office today.

Emergency Dental Care at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

There are a number of ways your child can injure their mouth or damage their teeth. Whether it’s a sports injury or from biting down too hard on a piece of food, teeth can become cracked, dislodged, and broken. Plus, gums can bleed from lacerations and other damage. If these injuries are not treated immediately, they can sometimes lead to serious complications.

Wondering when your child might require emergency dental care? Read through our frequently asked questions (FAQ) below and seek assistance from Wilson Pediatric Dentistry if you’re in need of emergency dental care in Wilson, North Carolina.

FAQ: Does My Child Need Emergency Dental Care?

What do I do about a cracked or broken tooth?

Depending on the severity and the level of pain your child experiences, you can either call for an emergency appointment or schedule an appointment during normal business hours. Cracked or chipped teeth do not typically require emergency services, but if a large piece of the tooth is missing or the tooth is knocked out completely, you should seek immediate care.

Do not get rid of the tooth. Instead, store it in a container of milk or your child’s saliva until he or she can be seen by a dentist.

What if my child’s gums are bleeding?

Bleeding gums can arise for a number of reasons — especially while brushing or flossing the teeth. Gums bleed during the early stages of Gingivitis because of plaque buildup that causes receding and inflamed gums. Bleeding gums can also be due to a vitamin C or vitamin K deficiency.

These scenarios are not always emergencies but should be discussed with the dentist when you bring your child for their next appointment. Encourage your child to continue brushing and flossing, even if it does make the gums bleed.

What happens if my child has a toothache?

Toothaches can be tricky to diagnose without seeing a dentist. Causes range from a cavity to a serious infection. When chewing, biting, and even talking become painful for your child, contact a medical professional immediately.

Whether the pain is from grinding teeth or something more serious, it will likely not go away on its own. For instance, an abscess tooth can cause a tremendous amount of pain, resulting in swelling, inflamed gums, and even a fever. An abscess tooth is caused by tooth decay and can be treated by different options, including antibiotics and a root canal procedure.

Find Emergency Dental Services in Wilson, NC

Are you looking for a pediatric dentist near you that also offers emergency dental services? Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is conveniently located in Wilson — near Kenly and Rocky Mount. Schedule an appointment online today, or call our office.

Follow This Checklist When Choosing a Local Dentist

Dentist attends patient while dental assistant smiles at viewer

You might need to find a new dentist for any number of reasons. Maybe you’ve just moved to the area. Maybe you’re looking for a second opinion. Maybe your insurance policy has changed. Or maybe you’re a new patient in need of a cleaning.

If you’re looking for a dentist near you, make sure you keep the following tips in mind.

How to Choose Your Dentist

Cost and Insurance

When researching different dentists, your first consideration should be cost and insurance. Do they accept your insurance? Do they offer discounts to those without insurance?

Make sure to consider the varying costs of different appointments and whether or not your insurance covers them. For instance, your insurance may cover an annual dental cleaning, but not an appointment for a filling or oral surgery at that same office.

Before you commit, give your insurance provider or the dentist’s office a call to find out about insurance coverage or costs for appointments.


When driving to your dentist appointment, do you really want to travel an hour outside of the city when a similar practice is closer? Consider the amount of time it takes to get to and from different offices, so you can fit appointments into your busy schedule.

You should also find out their hours of operation — can you fit in a quick cleaning after work or schedule an appointment for the weekend? To find a dentist’s business hours, check their website or call their office.

Qualifications and Services

Before you let someone poke around your mouth with metal instruments, you should find out if they’re qualified to do so. Ask your prospective dentist about their qualifications, certifications, or specialty, especially when looking to have more difficult oral surgeries and procedures performed.

Every dentist office is different, so one might offer more serious oral procedures while another may not. Save yourself the hassle of shuffling from one office to another to get a surgery done, and find a dentist that provides all of the oral care services you require.


You won’t know how you feel about a dentist until you meet them — call the office you’re considering and schedule a consultation. That way, you aren’t going in blind to an appointment that sounds good on paper. You want to make sure you’re entirely comfortable with the dentist you choose.

Visit Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Today

If you run through this checklist, you’ll have a clear path to choosing a dentist office near you.

For those in Wilson County, start your search at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, a local dentist serving children and adults in Wilson, Rocky Mount, and Kenly, NC. Schedule a consultation with our office today. We look forward to hearing from you.

Why Are Fluoride Treatments Important for Young Teeth?

little girl at a pediatric dentist getting fluoride treatment

At Wilson Pediatric Dentistry, fluoride treatments are a regular part of dental exams and cleanings. Most children receive anywhere from two to four treatments a year. Why? Because fluoride plays an important role in making sure your child’s teeth are strong and healthy all throughout childhood and into adulthood.

Keep reading to learn more.

The Importance of Fluoride for Your Kids

What Are Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in water all around the world. It’s also used to fortify public drinking water and some foods and other beverages. But a fluoride treatment at the dentist’s office is a little different.

During a treatment, the dentist will paint a small amount of fluoride onto the child’s teeth. The fluoride will quickly harden in place, and any excess is usually brushed off later that day to ensure that almost none is swallowed by the child.

After the fluoride is applied, it becomes part of the tooth’s outer layer, the enamel, to help strengthen it. When combined with good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, fluoride does a great deal to support dental health.

The Benefits of Fluoride Treatments

According to the American Dental Association, fluoride is a safe, effective way to prevent tooth decay. Since kids tend to consume a lot of sugar, tooth enamel erodes over time and can eventually lead to cavities.

About 27.9% of all children aged two to five and 51.17% of all kids aged six to 11 will get a cavity during childhood. However, by strengthening the tooth enamel, fluoride can help prevent, slow down, and even reverse decay.

Even though baby teeth fall out, childhood cavities can still lead to problems in adulthood. One reason why is because tooth decay may cause the baby teeth to fall out too soon, leaving an empty gap. Neighboring teeth can begin to shift, moving into the empty spot and causing misalignment of incoming adult teeth.

With regular fluoride treatments, it’s possible to minimize cavities and ensure good oral health for today and tomorrow.

Schedule a Visit at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Today

Interested in learning more about fluoride treatments in Wilson, North Carolina? Visit Wilson Pediatric Dentistry for a consultation and meet our team.

With offices located in Wilson, Rocky Mount, and Kenly, North Carolina, our dentists are committed to instilling good oral health in kids all throughout the area. Schedule a cleaning for your child today.

Why You Should Schedule Regular Dental Checkups for Your Kids

With homework, play, and exploring to do, your kids don’t have a lot of time to think about taking care of their teeth. That’s where your local Wilson, North Carolina, pediatric dentist comes in. An experienced pediatric dentist can help your children navigate their dental development with healthy smiles.

Here are a few reasons why regular dental checkups are necessary for kids of any age.

Why You Should Schedule Regular Dental Checkups With Wilson Pediatric Dentistry

Baby Teeth Matter More Than You Think

Why bother taking care of baby teeth if they’re only going to fall out in a few years? We hear this question all the time at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. Although baby teeth do eventually fall out, their health can play a large impact on the wellness of the incoming secondary teeth.

Baby teeth, also called primary teeth, serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. If a child loses a primary tooth too early, either to decay or injury, the primary tooth may shift and come out in the wrong position.

Regular dental checkups can prevent the premature loss of primary teeth and mitigate the effects when it does happen.

Different Ages, Different Goals

To contrast the dental maintenance performed by most general dentists, pediatric dentists have unique goals for their young patients: prevention, development, and habit-building.


A good pediatric dentist can prevent most dental issues and the stress and pain that comes with them. When we see your child for regular checkups, we can spot and diagnose the problems your child can’t notice themselves and suggest treatments or behaviors to keep them from worsening.


Childhood is also the heaviest stage of dental change. Whether their first set of teeth are coming in or falling out to make room for permanent teeth, kids’ mouths are constantly developing. Pediatric dentists are uniquely qualified to monitor this development and intervene if necessary.


Seeing a dentist regularly and often also helps children develop healthy dental habits. Pediatric dentists like Dr. Elmore help create dental plans that help kids get accustomed to tooth-healthy foods and home care. Even getting into the routine of seeing a dentist twice a year is setting important behaviors in place during the most formative years.

Schedule Your Child’s Checkup With Your Local Wilson Pediatric Dentist

Looking for an experienced pediatric dentist in Wilson for your child? Dr. Elmore and the team at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry have been keeping kids’ teeth looking and feeling their best for years. Schedule an appointment or contact us at (252) 291-4300.

Dentist-Approved Snacks Your Kids Will Love

girl eating apples out of a basket of fruit, a tooth healthy snack in wilson, nc

With the high levels of processed sugars in most pre-packaged kids’ foods, choosing quick snacks for your children can feel like a minefield. While some foods contribute to the growth of bacteria and plaque, others can actually protect dental health. But which treats are the best for teeth? Are there any healthy snacks that are easy to make and serve on the go?

Your dentist in Wilson, North Carolina, is here with some tips.

No Fuss, Tooth-Healthy Snack Ideas from Your Dentist in Wilson, NC

A general rule of thumb for picking healthy foods for yourself or your kids is sticking to whole foods and limiting processed foods. What’s the difference? Whole foods typically consist of just one ingredient. These include fresh fruits and veggies, meats, whole grains, nuts, and dairy products. Processed foods, like cookies, chips, or sodas are often high in sugar or fats.

Usually, whole foods are around the outside of the grocery store, while processed foods are up and down the aisles. Here are a few easy-to-prepare, tooth-healthy whole foods kids will love.


Not all sweet foods are bad for your teeth. Most fresh fruit can provide a sweet taste without risk of tooth decay. The dietary fiber in apples also helps stimulate saliva, which pairs with the fruit’s high water content to rinse off your teeth while you chew.


Yogurt, like most other dairy products, is rich in calcium and protein, which help to make teeth stronger. However, not all yogurts are created equal. Look for yogurts that are low in sugar and fat content. If you want to sweeten the yogurt yourself, you can always add fresh fruit.


Cheese also contains calcium and protein, but it comes with its own unique benefits as well. Cheese has been shown to increase the pH level in your mouth, decreasing the acidity. Lower acidity levels means lower risks of decay.

Cheese sticks and cheese wheels make great on-the-go snacks that require no prep. Cheddar also pairs nicely with sliced red apples.


Whole grains like yogurt, brown rice, and those found in whole-grain bread bring a lot of healthy fiber to your diet. However, whole grains also have the added bonus of fighting gum disease. Oatmeal is a great choice because it’s low-fat, filling, and an easy to prepare. You can also add fruit, like bananas, strawberries, or apples to oatmeal to make it more interesting.

Like yogurt, you need to watch out for sugar-added varieties. Stick to old-fashioned or steel rolled oats.


Celery is a dental superfood. High water levels? Check. Dietary fiber? Tons of it. Sugars? Almost none. Crunchy celery also massages your gums as you chew, improving their health. Other raw vegetables will also provide similar benefits.

Unfortunately, few kids appreciate the taste of raw celery. Just jazz it up with peanut butter, cottage cheese, or cream cheese and your kids won’t be able to get enough.

Want more healthy ideas for your kids? Your Wilson, North Carolina, dentist will be happy to discuss dental-friendly snacks at your child’s next checkup. Schedule your appointment or contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry at (252) 291-4300

Ask Your Nearby Dentist: Is Mouthwash Safe for My Child?

child brushing her teeth to prepare for a dentist appointment near her

Although proper dental care is just as necessary for kids as it is for adults, your child’s routine won’t be exactly the same as yours. Children start with kid-safe toothpaste, brushes, floss, and eventually graduate to the adult versions. For this reason, you may have wondered about mouthwash. Is it safe for your child? When should they start using mouthwash? Fortunately, your nearby dentist is here with some answers.

Should Your Child Be Using Mouthwash? Your Nearby Dentist Explains

Mouthwash does more than just freshen your breath. Certain brands also wash away loose plaque and strengthen your teeth with fluoride. However, it isn’t right for every child.

Is Mouthwash Safe for My Child?

This largely depends on their age. Although fluoride mouthwash can be incredibly helpful in helping your child right cavities, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends waiting until they are about six years old to introduce it to their routine. This is because these younger kids may have a harder time not swallowing the mouthwash. Fluoride is perfectly safe in small amounts (it is found in most municipal water supplies,) but consuming too much of it at an early age can result in fluorosis or discoloration of the enamel.

Don’t worry about your child getting enough fluoride before they can use mouthwash. Fluoride treatment is a major part of general exams and cleaning when you take them to your nearby dentist.

Look For Kid-Friendly Mouthwash

Like most other dental care tools, there are plenty of child-friendly varieties of mouthwash you can choose from. These usually feature popular cartoon characters or superheroes and come in sweet flavors like bubblegum or berry.

The differences are more than just superficial. Mouthwashes that are geared towards kids omit potentially harmful ingredients found in the adult versions, like alcohol. Alcohol is useful for killing bacteria for adults but can hinder healthy growth and development for children.

Supervision and Safety

The best way to make sure your child is safely using mouthwash is to supervise them for the first few months. Demonstrate to them how to rinse and spit the first few times. Tell them that even though it tastes good, they shouldn’t drink it. Watch them closely to make sure they don’t swallow and let them know when they’ve done a good job.

When your child isn’t using it, the mouthwash should be kept out of reach. Why? With its bright colors and sweet flavors, it may remind them of their favorite sugary drink. This means they may be tempted to try to drink it when you aren’t looking, and even the safest mouthwash shouldn’t be swallowed.

Want More Info? Ask a Pediatric Dentist Near You?

Still unsure of whether your child is ready for mouthwash? You can always check with a pediatric dentist near you. Dr. Elmore of Wilson Pediatric Dentistry has years of experience helping tiny teeth shine and grow, and she is happy to help you create a dental plan for your child. Schedule your appointment or contact us at (252)-291-4300 to learn more.

How Can Dental Sealants Protect Your Children’s Teeth?

dentist applying dental selants to a child's teeth with a purple light

Teaching children to brush and floss efficiently enough to prevent cavities can be a challenge for even the most diligent parents. Factor in all the juice and other sweets children get their hands on and it’s no wonder over 40 percent of kids under 11 develop cavities on their baby teeth. 

Fortunately, there’s an easier way to protect children’s teeth from plaque, bacteria, and decay. Many parents today are turning to dental sealants for help.

How Dental Sealants Work

So how can dental sealants protect your children’s teeth?

A dental sealant is a very thin layer of plastic coating that is applied to the surfaces of teeth. They are most often used on the back teeth where most chewing takes place. The sealant fills the grooves and crevices of the teeth to form a protective shield over the enamel. This protective shield forms a barrier between food and the actual tooth, making it more difficult for sugar and other harmful substances to attack the tooth.

Applying Sealants

Applying dental sealants is not a difficult process. Your children’s teeth will first be cleaned and dried. Then an acid substance is placed on the teeth to provide the sealants something to bond with. After rinsing and drying the teeth again, the sealant is then “painted” onto the teeth with a brush where it then hardens.

Dental sealants are recommended during the cavity-prone ages of six to 14. Dental sealants can last for up to 10 years and will be inspected for wear and tear during regular checkups. Many insurance companies provide coverage for the cost of dental sealants for patients under 18 years of age.  

Where to Get Dental Sealants for Your Children

Wilson Pediatric Dentistry is happy to provide dental sealants and other treatments for your child. We understand that visiting a dentist can be scary for a child and that’s why we’ve dedicated our practice to providing the best possible experience for young patients in a fun and comfortable environment. Our team has years of training and experience working with children, even ones who have had negative experiences at a dentist in the past.   

Schedule an appointment today for our Wooten Blvd location in Wilson, NC to help put a smile on your child’s face.    

What You Need to Know About Your First Kid’s Dentist Visit

pediatric patient at a kid's dentist having his teeth examined

A kid’s first dental appointment can seem like an intimidating experience. Often the parent is just as worried as their child going in. What if it goes poorly and your child develops a fear of visiting the dentist? The team at Wilson Pediatric Dentist recognize how stressful the experience can be. That’s why we work to make the whole process easy with an understanding, gentle, and kid-friendly care.

Take the fear out of the first visit to your kid’s dentist by learning what you can expect from Wilson Pediatric Dentistry.

What’s Going to Happen at Your Kid’s First Dentist Appointment?

When Should My Child See the Dentist for the First Time?

The first thing to figure out is when you should start taking your child to the dentist. We recommend scheduling their first appointment shortly after their first tooth erupts, which usually occurs after about one year.

Starting care so early lets your kid’s dentist monitor the development of new teeth from the beginning. If your child is a little older, don’t worry. It’s never too late to get started on good dental care.

When You Get to the Waiting Room

Every aspect of our dentistry is geared toward making the experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. This begins as soon as you enter our office. The waiting room has a fun, kid-friendly design and is filled with toys to help make their visit easier.

You and your child will be greeted by our warm and friendly staff. Every member of the team has training and years of experience working with children, and know how to ease them into treatment. We’re also careful to avoid any frightening language or tones.

When You See the Dentist

This gentle care continues into the examination room. If your child is very young, Dr. Elmore may have you hold them in your lap while she works. Older kids are encouraged to come into the office on their own so they can start to build a friendly relationship with the dentist, but you can still sit in on any appointment.

At the first appointment, we will keep treatment to a minimum and focus on examining the developing teeth. This makes sure that their first experience with a dentist is a positive one and helps them shed some of the anxiety for their next visit.

Making a Dental Care Plan

Since your child likely isn’t old enough to make their own dental care choices, you’ll need to take the lead on good dental health. That’s why the final part of your first dental visit will involve working with Dr. Elmore to create a home care plan to promote healthy tooth development.

This plan will be built around your child’s unique needs and stages of development. These typically cover:

  • Dental hygiene tips
  • Nutrition
  • Teething
  • What to do about habits like thumb sucking
  • Future developmental milestones
  • A dental examination schedule

By following the plan we create, you’ll be giving your child a great foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. The plan is also flexible and open to amendments based on observations from future appointments.

Is it time to schedule your first visit with an attentive, gentle kid’s dentist? Make an appointment with Wilson Pediatric Dentistry or contact us at (252) 291-4300.

How To Protect Your Kids’ Teeth From Holiday Sweets

With the constant influx of candy, cookies, and other sugary treats, the holiday season can take a toll on teeth. This is especially true for children, who would probably subsist on the sweet stuff if they were allowed. As a parent, you need to take extra steps to protect your kids from holiday sweets before their next dental visit.

You can also make sure that any extra holiday plaque is taken care of by scheduling your kids’ next dental cleaning at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry.

Ways to Protect Your Kids’ Teeth From Holiday Sweets Ahead of Their Next Dental Cleaning

Ration the Sweets

It is impossible to keep holiday sweets from your children completely, but you can lessen the negative health impact by dolling candy out over a long period of time. If you give your just a few sweets every couple of days, they’ll see it as a special treat and not a regular part of their diets. It can also be a fun way to count down the remaining days until they get their real gifts.

Be Wary of Hard Candies

All sweets can promote plaque buildup, but hard candies, like candy canes, pack extra risks. Children often lack the patience to wait for these candies to dissolve naturally, so they bite down. Doing so may lead to them breaking or chipping a tooth. Limit hard candies when possible and encourage kids not to bite.

Don’t Let Them Crack Nuts With Their Teeth

Your kids may be tempted to try to crack nuts open with their teeth after they see holiday nutcrackers do the same. Like hard candy, this also puts them at risk for fracturing teeth. Unlike hard candy, nuts are packed with healthy proteins and nutrients you want your kids to consume. Just make sure to give them pre-shelled nuts.

Their Teeth Aren’t Box Cutters

Children are often so enthusiastic to break in their new gifts, they throw all manners to the side and dig into the packaging with their teeth. This can lead them to damaging their teeth, cutting their gums, or getting something lodged between their teeth. When it comes time to open presents, keep a pair of scissors handy and brace yourself for flying wrapping paper.

Maintain a Routine

With all the traveling that comes with the season, it can be hard to maintain a regular schedule of brushing twice and flossing once daily. Unfortunately, it can be hard getting back into a habit once it’s broken. Make sure your kids brush and floss at around the same time every day, even when you’re on the road.

Schedule Strategically

Experts recommend you take your child in to see a pediatric dentist once every six months. You can get more out of these visits with smart planning. Schedule one of their regular dental cleanings for one of the weeks after the holidays. This will help them eliminate all the extra candy plaque and start the new year with fresh smiles.

Contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry to schedule your child’s dental cleaning to help them recover from the deluge of holiday sweets.

How to Make Cavities Easy to Understand for Your Child

mother explaining cavities to her son


As your child ages, they will eventually start to take care of their own dental hygiene. An important part of encouraging good habits is making sure they’re informed about the benefits of taking care of their teeth. They also need to be made aware of the potential risks of poor care, and this includes cavities.

Cavities can be a frightening concept for young children, so you need to be careful when teaching your kids about them. Here are a few tips to make sure your kids know about cavities and what they can do to prevent them. For more ideas on how to explain dental care to kids, contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry.

How to To Educate Your Kids on Cavities


Kids may have a hard time understanding some of the dental jargon relating to cavities, and this confusion can turn into fear. Try explaining them using simpler terms that they can understand.

Tell your kids that in order to enjoy all the foods they love, they need to practice good dental care, too. Explain how brushing their teeth keeps their mouth healthy and can help prevent the formation of tiny holes in their teeth, called cavities. You might also remind them to take extra care of their teeth when they eat sugary and starchy foods.

Let your children know that the cavities hurt, but they can be fixed.

Teach, Don’t Scare

Making your children aware of cavities can help motivate them to take better care of their teeth, but using cavities as a looming threat to frighten your kids can backfire. Using scare tactics to promote good behavior can erode your child’s trust in you and traumatize them.

Be Honest

As a parent, you already know that children are inquisitive. They’re going to have lots of questions about cavities and what happens if you get one. Make sure to answer their questions honestly. If they’re curious, they’re going to find out the truth sometime. It’s better if they find out from you.

Teach Proactivity

Teach your child that taking care of their teeth and avoiding cavities is easy as long as they are consistent. Help them form strong dental care habits with positive reinforcement. Reminding them that they have the power to protect themselves from cavities, and they will be more likely to keep up with their dental hygiene routine.

Here are a few habits you should encourage:

  • Flossing once a day
  • Brushing twice a day, in the morning and again before bed
  • Limit sugary or starchy foods
  • Eating tooth-healthy foods

If Your Child Gets a Cavity

Finding out they have cavities can be terrifying for a child, and it is your job as a parent to make the ordeal easier. Let your kids know that some cavities can’t be avoided, no matter how much work you put in. You should also make sure your child knows that you aren’t mad or disappointed with them.

Make sure they are fully prepared for the filling process. Walk them through it step-by-step, working to make it sound less scary. Remind your child that even though the process may seem scary, it won’t be painful, and it will make them feel better.

Choosing a dentist experienced in making difficult procedures easy for kids can also help make the process better for your child. Dr. Elmore of Wilson Pediatric Dentistry gives each of her young patients gentle, compassionate care, making dental visits less scary. Schedule an appointment at our Wilson, North Carolina, office for more friendly pediatric dental care.

How Parents Can Encourage Proper Dental Care for Their Kids

family brushing their teeth, good pediatric dental care


Any parent knows it can feel impossible to get kids to do what you ask. When your child is a toddler, you’re likely brushing their teeth for them. Eventually, they reach an age where they start to take care of their own dental care.

Having them take care of their own oral hygiene is easier said than done when taking care of teeth gets in the way of play time. We’ve compiled some easy ways you can encourage proper pediatric dental home care for your kids.

Tips To Help Parents Encourage Better Pediatric Dental Home Care

Pediatric dental care is all about setting up good foundations for dental health as an adult. A major part of this is scheduling regular cleanings and checkups, but good home care matters even more. That is why the first few years your child is brushing their teeth for themselves are so important. They’re establishing habits that will they will stick with for years.

Lead from the Front

You shouldn’t ask your child to do anything you aren’t willing to do yourself. Be a model for your child to follow. Brush twice a day, floss once a day, and eat a healthy diet. Your children admire you, and people learn most of their behaviors from their parents.

Make sure your kids see you brush and floss regularly. Let them in your bathroom when you’re getting ready in the morning. They’re picking up more from you than you think.

Answer “Why?”

Your son or daughter likely bombards you with dozens of questions a day, and most of them are probably the same one: “Why?” They’ve certainly asked this more than once about dental care.

Encourage this creativity. Tell them why brushing and flossing are necessary. Just make sure not to make it scary.

Children can have a hard time conceptualizing the invisible benefits of pediatric dental care. Invest in some plaque disclosing tablets, which temporarily dyes plaque bright colors. This makes it real for them by showing them the gunk they brush away every morning and night.

Give Them Ownership of Their Dental Care

Your little one will be a lot more likely to keep up with brushing if they feel some ownership in over the activity. Letting your child choose their own toothbrush, toothpaste, and rinse cup gives them a part in making decisions about their dental care.

Let them choose a brush with their favorite cartoon character or toothpaste that comes in a flavor they like. The minty taste of most adult toothbrushes is too harsh for kids. Childrens’ options come in milder fruit flavors. Just make they choose a fluoride toothpaste.

Turn Brushing into a Game

Anyone who has transformed a spoonful of peas into an airplane knows the benefits of visualization and playing pretend with your kids. Use a similar strategy for brushing time. Have your child make believe that the brush is a high-powered laser beam that takes out the alien invaders in his mouth. Base the game around their interests or favorite shows.

If the game doesn’t work, try writing a toothbrushing song for them. Pick a well-known melody and make up some lyrics they’ll enjoy. Make the song about brushing, family, pets, or something else in their life. You can also use one of these already written songs.

Make a Checklist and Offer Prizes

When all else fails, it may be time to resort to bribery. Make a checklist of morning and nighttime chores, and make sure brushing and flossing are included. When they complete a task, have them come to you to check off the activity on their list.

Every day they complete the list, give them a ticket to exchange for a prize at the end of the week. These can be anything. Trips to the park, visits with friends, and video game time all work great. Just make sure your prizes aren’t tooth decaying snacks like candy.

By using these simple tricks, you can instill good dental routines in your kids that will last them a lifetime. Another good pediatric dental care habit to start on early is regular check-ups and cleanings. Schedule an appointment for your son or daughter at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in North Carolina.