Pediatric Dentist News & Event | Wilson, NC

Facts About Oral Disease

Oral disease—what is it and what should parents know? Contrary to what many believe, oral disease isn’t a single condition. It’s actually a group of conditions that can be affected and caused by a rangeRead More »

What Is a Dental Emergency?

Knowing when to visit an emergency pediatric dentist can help your child avoid preventable pain, ease your worry, and even save you money in the long run. As the top kids’ dentist in Greenville, NC,Read More »

Why Pediatric Dentists Outshine Regular Dentists

When it comes to your child’s dental care, you may wonder if it’s necessary to seek out a pediatric dentist instead of a regular dentist. Let’s explore the key differences that make a pediatric dentistRead More »

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Cavities?

It can be challenging when your children get cavities, even though you help them brush and try to limit sugary foods. Cavities are common, affecting more than half of kids by age 8, according toRead More »

How Important Are Regular Teeth Cleanings?

If you wonder whether regular dental cleanings are necessary for your child, the answer is yes! Professional teeth cleaning by a pediatric dentist in Greenville, NC, can promote oral health and hygiene. Let’s look atRead More »

Treating Your Child’s Cavities

Maintaining your child’s dental health is essential to their overall well-being, and cavity prevention is a critical aspect of dental health. Need some help keeping your child’s teeth and gums healthy? Here are some tipsRead More »

Appropriate Age for Children’s Dental Exams

Protecting a child’s health is important to all parents, and one crucial element of achieving that goal is good dental hygiene practices. But when should you bring your child in for their first dental check-up?Read More »

When Can Your Child Receive Braces After a Cavity Filling?

A child’s dental health is vital to their overall well-being, which is why parents have a responsibility to provide them with cavity filling treatment, orthodontic treatment, and anything else they might require. But if yourRead More »

Learning About Pediatric Dentist Emergency Care with Wilson Pediatrics

You want to do everything you can to protect your child, and that includes being able to help them in an emergency situation. When your child needs emergency dental care, you must know how toRead More »

Will Cavity Treatment Prevent a Root Canal?

Children’s teeth are constantly bombarded by harmful substances that wear down tooth enamel and cause damage. Children tend to develop cavities, especially around the holidays. Without cavity treatment, these small recesses could lead to biggerRead More »

Learn Healthy Dental Hygiene From a Pediatric Dentist

Dental hygiene is important for overall health, especially for children. If your kids start with a good foundation for oral health, they will carry these lessons into adulthood. Healthy dental hygiene will reduce or preventRead More »

Sparing Your Kids’ Teeth from Halloween Candy

You might expect that a dentist will tell you to keep your kids away from all Halloween candy to help protect their teeth. While avoiding candy is generally a good idea, we understand that itRead More »