How to Prevent Cavities in Children: A Guide for Parents

Cavity Prevention 

Cavities are a common dental issue that can affect children of all ages. However, with the right knowledge and preventive measures, you can help your child maintain a healthy, cavity-free smile. Wilson Dental will help you identify early signs of cavities and provide actionable cavity treatment information to protect your child’s oral health.

Signs of Early Cavities in Children

1. White Spots on Teeth

Chalky, white spots on the surface of teeth, especially near the gum line, indicate demineralization, the first stage of cavity formation. Additionally, complaints of discomfort or pain when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods suggest tooth sensitivity, which can signal that the enamel is wearing away and leaving the dentin exposed.

2. Visible Pits or Holes and Dark Spots or Stains

When checking your teeth, look for small pits or holes on the surface, as these are clear indicators that a cavity has formed and needs professional attention. Additionally, keep an eye out for dark spots or stains, which can be brown, black, or gray; these stains may indicate decay and should be examined by a dentist.

Preventive Measures to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Preventing cavities involves a combination of good oral hygiene practices and regular dental care. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Establish a Routine and Monitor Diet

Ensure your child brushes their teeth twice a day and flosses daily using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush suitable for their age. Limit sugary snacks and drinks by encouraging healthy alternatives such as fruits, vegetables, and water.

2. Regular Dental Check-Ups and Education

Schedule check-ups with a pediatric dentist every six months, as early visits can help detect issues before they become severe. Teach your child the importance of oral hygiene by making brushing fun with songs, timers, or reward charts.

What If You Find Cavities?

If you discover that your child has developed cavities, it’s crucial to take immediate action to prevent further decay and ensure proper treatment. Schedule an appointment with your kid’s dentist in Greenville, NC as soon as you suspect cavities; they can provide a comprehensive evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment options based on the severity of the cavities.

Will Cavity Treatment Prevent a Root Canal?

Children’s teeth are constantly bombarded by harmful substances that wear down tooth enamel and cause damage. Children tend to develop cavities, especially around the holidays. Without cavity treatment, these small recesses could lead to bigger issues. In the most serious cases, pediatric root canal treatment might be necessary. While the best course of action is to prevent cavities altogether, a cavity filling can prevent further damage to your child’s teeth.


Can Cavity Fillings Prevent Root Canal Issues?

Cavities Can Lead to Pediatric Root Canal Treatment

Cavities are a form of permanent tooth damage. Simple cavities break through the outer layer, the enamel. These cavities may not demonstrate any symptoms until they penetrate down to the dentin, the inner layer. However, cavities trap food and bacteria inside, which can lead to an infection deeper in the tooth. When this happens, a root canal may be necessary. A cavity filling is recommended to stop damage from spreading to this point.


Root canals are required when an infection develops in the pulp of the tooth. These infections cannot be treated with antibiotics as they’re too deep for medications to penetrate. Fortunately, root canals today are easy to perform and won’t cause significant pain, but we would prefer to avoid more serious treatments entirely by treating cavities as soon as they’re spotted.


Effective Cavity Treatments

When it comes to treating cavities, the best approach is a filling. Depending on the location of the cavity, your dentist might recommend different types of filling. The most expensive options are gold and porcelain, which are generally only recommended for adult teeth.


For baby teeth, amalgam fillings are preferred since they are more affordable. Another option are composite resin fillings. These appear more natural, but don’t last as long as they can also be stained like regular teeth. For baby teeth that won’t be there much longer, they’re a good option to consider. Your pediatric dentist will recommend the best type of filling given the situation.


Preventing Cavities Prevents Root Canals

The best approach is to be proactive and prevent cavities from forming in the first place. With no cavities, there won’t be any need to worry about treating them or potentially needing a root canal. Even if your child is a diligent tooth brusher, it’s important to come in for regular teeth cleaning. Not only does this reduce the chances of developing a cavity in the first place, but it also helps spot minor cavities before they become bigger problems.


If your child has been complaining about a tooth or hasn’t had a cleaning in some time, schedule an appointment with Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in Greenville, NC today.

Unexpected Causes of Tooth Decay in Children

Everyone knows candy, soda, and other sugary sweets are some of the main cavity culprits for children. But there are a number of unexpected causes of tooth decay for which many people are unaware. Below we take a look at some of the lesser known causes of cavities and tooth decay in children. 


Milk is a double-edged sword as it relates to tooth health. On the one hand, milk is full of calcium and other minerals that strengthen and repair tooth enamel. On the other hand, milk contains lactose, which is a type of sugar. As the lactose is broken down, it produces acid that can cause tooth decay. 


Fruit is a healthy and recommended snack for kids. But fruit, particularly citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and tangerines, contain citric acid that can eat away at enamel and leave teeth vulnerable to cavities. 


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a popular item on a kid’s lunch menu. While bread itself does not contain much sugar, it does contain a lot of starch. When you eat bread, your saliva breaks down the starch into simple sugar that sticks in the crevices of your teeth and exposes them to the produced sugar. 


If you put ice in a kid’s drink, they’ll probably chew it. Chewing on hard substances, on the other hand, can wear away the protective enamel, leaving teeth prone to disease, as well as chips, cracks, and other damage.


Cereal is loved by children, but not by their teeth. A lot of cereals marketed toward children are high in sugar, and a child consuming just an average serving per day for a year would consume more than 10 pounds of sugar with some cereals.


Schedule Your Child’s Cavity Treatment in Greenville, NC

Stop tooth decay before it starts by scheduling regular checkups and cleanings for your child. If they do get a cavity, our pediatric dentists can help them get the cavity treatment they need to heal tooth rot and restore their smiles.

Schedule your appointment today and ask our team about other causes of tooth decay and how you can keep your child’s teeth safe from harm. 

Pediatric Dentistry: How to Avoid Cavities


Teaching a child to brush and floss at a very young age is the best way to instill healthy oral hygiene habits as the child grows. Continue reading to learn how you can explain cavities and healthy hygiene practices to your child. 

How to Explain Cavities to Your Child

What Is a Cavity?

There is a bacteria in your mouth that has a funny name. It’s called a streptococci mutant. This bacteria likes to live on your teeth and loves to eat sugar. Whenever you eat sweet or sugary foods, the bacteria will eat the sugar and make an acid on your teeth. When you don’t brush or floss the sugar or acid off of your teeth, the acid will begin to erode or eat away at the surface of your teeth. Over time, this erosion will create a hole in your tooth called a cavity. Cavities can be very painful and if you don’t take care of them quickly, they can grow until the whole tooth is damaged. A damaged tooth can make it difficult to eat your favorite foods and may even need to be removed.

How Can I Protect My Teeth?

You can protect your teeth from cavities by brushing your teeth in the morning after you wake up and again right before you go to sleep at night. Your toothbrush will remove sugar from the surface of your teeth, but it can’t reach the sugar or bacteria that likes to hide between your teeth. This is why it is so important to floss every day to make sure the bacteria can’t hide and create a cavity between your teeth. Every six months, you should go to the dentist for a cleaning so that she can look for any cavities that might be hiding.

What Happens If I Get a Cavity?

If the dentist finds a cavity in your mouth, she will need to drill away the damaged part of your tooth. But don’t worry, the dentist will give you some medicine first so that you will be comfortable. Once the damaged part of your tooth is removed, the dentist will use a special material to fill the hole in and make it look good as new. This material is called a filling which will harden to protect your tooth from any more damage. 

Schedule Your Next Appointment in Greenville, NC

If you are looking for a dentist for your child, come to Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. We offer a variety of services including pediatric cavity treatment in Greenville, NC. Our staff is highly qualified to put your child at ease and provide whatever dental services he may require. Schedule an appointment today.