Early Orthodontic Care? Rocky Mount Pediatric Dentist Says Yes

child visits pediatric dentist for orthodontic evaluation

It’s well known that getting a teeth cleaning on a regular schedule is a great way to catch and prevent possible dental issues from occurring in the future. But at what age should your child have an orthodontic evaluation?

Read on to learn more about when your child should see an orthodontist.

When to Seek Orthodontic Care for Your Child

Orthodontic treatments, such as braces, are procedures that many people view as something that’s done in the teenage years. While it’s true that most kids end up waiting until all of their secondary teeth have come in, performing preventive or corrective orthodontic care on children as young as 6 or 7 years old can have developmental benefits.

With interceptive orthodontics — another name for early orthodontic care — your pediatric dentist can make sure that your child’s permanent teeth are developing in the correct position.

Dr. Jasmine Elmore recommends having your child screened when his or her permanent teeth begin to emerge, usually around 6 years old. At this young age, the jaw and palate are still growing, making it the ideal time to correct anything that isn’t developing properly.

Early orthodontic care uses appliances, such as braces and palatal expanders, to make sure your child’s mouth has space for adult teeth. It can also help straighten crooked teeth, steer the growth of the palate or jaw, and correct any damage that stems from bad habits, including prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use.

We’re committed to ensuring the health and wellness of our young patients’ teeth. We understand that kids’ developing teeth have different needs than the teeth of adults. That’s why we monitor your child’s development to ensure his or her dental health is on the right track, and we’ll advise you when they need an orthodontic evaluation.

Pediatric Dentistry Near Rocky Mount, NC

Are you looking for a pediatric dentist near Rocky Mount, NC? Wilson Pediatric Dental will make your child’s visits for routine cleanings and preventative and corrective procedures as comfortable as possible thanks to our friendly staff and colorful exam rooms. Schedule an appointment online, or call our office today.

How to Make Cavities Easy to Understand for Your Child

mother explaining cavities to her son


As your child ages, they will eventually start to take care of their own dental hygiene. An important part of encouraging good habits is making sure they’re informed about the benefits of taking care of their teeth. They also need to be made aware of the potential risks of poor care, and this includes cavities.

Cavities can be a frightening concept for young children, so you need to be careful when teaching your kids about them. Here are a few tips to make sure your kids know about cavities and what they can do to prevent them. For more ideas on how to explain dental care to kids, contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry.

How to To Educate Your Kids on Cavities


Kids may have a hard time understanding some of the dental jargon relating to cavities, and this confusion can turn into fear. Try explaining them using simpler terms that they can understand.

Tell your kids that in order to enjoy all the foods they love, they need to practice good dental care, too. Explain how brushing their teeth keeps their mouth healthy and can help prevent the formation of tiny holes in their teeth, called cavities. You might also remind them to take extra care of their teeth when they eat sugary and starchy foods.

Let your children know that the cavities hurt, but they can be fixed.

Teach, Don’t Scare

Making your children aware of cavities can help motivate them to take better care of their teeth, but using cavities as a looming threat to frighten your kids can backfire. Using scare tactics to promote good behavior can erode your child’s trust in you and traumatize them.

Be Honest

As a parent, you already know that children are inquisitive. They’re going to have lots of questions about cavities and what happens if you get one. Make sure to answer their questions honestly. If they’re curious, they’re going to find out the truth sometime. It’s better if they find out from you.

Teach Proactivity

Teach your child that taking care of their teeth and avoiding cavities is easy as long as they are consistent. Help them form strong dental care habits with positive reinforcement. Reminding them that they have the power to protect themselves from cavities, and they will be more likely to keep up with their dental hygiene routine.

Here are a few habits you should encourage:

  • Flossing once a day
  • Brushing twice a day, in the morning and again before bed
  • Limit sugary or starchy foods
  • Eating tooth-healthy foods

If Your Child Gets a Cavity

Finding out they have cavities can be terrifying for a child, and it is your job as a parent to make the ordeal easier. Let your kids know that some cavities can’t be avoided, no matter how much work you put in. You should also make sure your child knows that you aren’t mad or disappointed with them.

Make sure they are fully prepared for the filling process. Walk them through it step-by-step, working to make it sound less scary. Remind your child that even though the process may seem scary, it won’t be painful, and it will make them feel better.

Choosing a dentist experienced in making difficult procedures easy for kids can also help make the process better for your child. Dr. Elmore of Wilson Pediatric Dentistry gives each of her young patients gentle, compassionate care, making dental visits less scary. Schedule an appointment at our Wilson, North Carolina, office for more friendly pediatric dental care.

How Parents Can Encourage Proper Dental Care for Their Kids

family brushing their teeth, good pediatric dental care


Any parent knows it can feel impossible to get kids to do what you ask. When your child is a toddler, you’re likely brushing their teeth for them. Eventually, they reach an age where they start to take care of their own dental care.

Having them take care of their own oral hygiene is easier said than done when taking care of teeth gets in the way of play time. We’ve compiled some easy ways you can encourage proper pediatric dental home care for your kids.

Tips To Help Parents Encourage Better Pediatric Dental Home Care

Pediatric dental care is all about setting up good foundations for dental health as an adult. A major part of this is scheduling regular cleanings and checkups, but good home care matters even more. That is why the first few years your child is brushing their teeth for themselves are so important. They’re establishing habits that will they will stick with for years.

Lead from the Front

You shouldn’t ask your child to do anything you aren’t willing to do yourself. Be a model for your child to follow. Brush twice a day, floss once a day, and eat a healthy diet. Your children admire you, and people learn most of their behaviors from their parents.

Make sure your kids see you brush and floss regularly. Let them in your bathroom when you’re getting ready in the morning. They’re picking up more from you than you think.

Answer “Why?”

Your son or daughter likely bombards you with dozens of questions a day, and most of them are probably the same one: “Why?” They’ve certainly asked this more than once about dental care.

Encourage this creativity. Tell them why brushing and flossing are necessary. Just make sure not to make it scary.

Children can have a hard time conceptualizing the invisible benefits of pediatric dental care. Invest in some plaque disclosing tablets, which temporarily dyes plaque bright colors. This makes it real for them by showing them the gunk they brush away every morning and night.

Give Them Ownership of Their Dental Care

Your little one will be a lot more likely to keep up with brushing if they feel some ownership in over the activity. Letting your child choose their own toothbrush, toothpaste, and rinse cup gives them a part in making decisions about their dental care.

Let them choose a brush with their favorite cartoon character or toothpaste that comes in a flavor they like. The minty taste of most adult toothbrushes is too harsh for kids. Childrens’ options come in milder fruit flavors. Just make they choose a fluoride toothpaste.

Turn Brushing into a Game

Anyone who has transformed a spoonful of peas into an airplane knows the benefits of visualization and playing pretend with your kids. Use a similar strategy for brushing time. Have your child make believe that the brush is a high-powered laser beam that takes out the alien invaders in his mouth. Base the game around their interests or favorite shows.

If the game doesn’t work, try writing a toothbrushing song for them. Pick a well-known melody and make up some lyrics they’ll enjoy. Make the song about brushing, family, pets, or something else in their life. You can also use one of these already written songs.

Make a Checklist and Offer Prizes

When all else fails, it may be time to resort to bribery. Make a checklist of morning and nighttime chores, and make sure brushing and flossing are included. When they complete a task, have them come to you to check off the activity on their list.

Every day they complete the list, give them a ticket to exchange for a prize at the end of the week. These can be anything. Trips to the park, visits with friends, and video game time all work great. Just make sure your prizes aren’t tooth decaying snacks like candy.

By using these simple tricks, you can instill good dental routines in your kids that will last them a lifetime. Another good pediatric dental care habit to start on early is regular check-ups and cleanings. Schedule an appointment for your son or daughter at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry in North Carolina.