Teeth Cleaning Health Resolutions for Your Kids

Teeth Cleaning Health Resolutions for Your KidsThe start of a new year is the perfect time to consider what went well in the previous year and what changes you’d like to implement in the coming year. As you start to consider resolutions for your family, why not make your child’s dental health a priority this year? 

New Year’s Dental Resolutions for Your Kids

Decide On Your Resolutions Together

There’s something about resolutions that make usually mundane tasks seem more exciting — especially for kids. What are some resolutions you and your kids can write together that would make their oral hygiene routine more enjoyable to them? 


Start by creating a list of good oral hygiene practices to choose from. This can be an excellent learning experience for your kids and may shed light on some problem areas you can help them address together. Some of the items on this list could include: 

  • Eating less sugar
  • Regular teeth cleanings
  • Flossing daily
  • Drinking less soda
  • Using a fluoride rinse 


Don’t overwhelm your kids with an endless list of resolutions. Pick three to five of your top priorities and focus on those. Make sure these resolutions are measurable and quantifiable so you can easily monitor your family’s progress throughout the year. 

Implement a Reward System

Depending on the age of your child, a reward system might be an effective way to measure and celebrate progress throughout the year. To ensure you don’t undo all of your hard work, opt for a reward system that is free from sugary treats. For younger children, consider a sticker chart. For older kids, maybe a fun experience after completing a number of resolutions would be enough to entice them to take more ownership over their oral hygiene practices. 

Find a Pediatric Dentist in Greenville, NC

The most effective way to improve the health of your child’s teeth is to partner with a pediatric dentist who will help you navigate your child’s oral health while creating a warm, child-friendly environment. If you’re looking for a pediatric dentist, we are accepting new patients at Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. We provide pediatric dental treatments near Greenville, North Carolina


Make your first New Year’s resolution to schedule an appointment today. 

The Importance of Fluoride in Pediatric Dentistry

The Importance of Fluoride in Pediatric Dentistry

You may recognize fluoride as an ingredient in your toothpaste or mouth rinse, but what exactly is fluoride and why is it so important for your child’s developing teeth? Continue reading to learn more.

The Connection Between Fluoride and Dental Hygiene

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral which is found in plants, water, soil, and even air. Fluoride is consumed naturally in our food and water and might often be prescribed as a supplement. In the body, fluoride acts as a strengthening agent and offers a variety of benefits to our bones and teeth which is why fluoride is a commonly used substance in pediatric dentistry.

How Fluoride Benefits Your Teeth

Throughout the day, we consume a variety of minerals such as fluoride, phosphate, and calcium. These minerals are deposited onto the protective enamel layer of our teeth. Acid from sugars and plaque bacteria, however, will strip away these protective minerals. This process is known as demineralization and remineralization. If demineralization occurs faster than remineralization, then the enamel becomes weak which paves the way for cavities and tooth decay.

To strengthen and improve the health of enamel, fluoride treatments can be recommended or prescribed. These treatments help to rebuild weakened tooth enamel, prevent the growth of harmful oral bacteria, and can even reverse the early signs of tooth decay. Fluoride treatments can include mouth rinses and specialized toothpastes. It is always recommended to speak with your child’s dentist before considering these treatments on your own.

The Importance of Fluoride for Children

While fluoride is important to people of all ages, it is especially important between the age of 6 months and 16 years. This is when the primary and permanent teeth come in and additional care should be taken to ensure these developing teeth are strong and healthy. Your dentist can recommend a specific oral hygiene routine to ensure your child’s teeth remain as healthy and as strong as possible.

Pediatric Dentistry Services in Wilson, NC

If you are looking for a dentist for your child, contact Wilson Pediatric Dentistry. We are currently accepting new patients and look forward to helping you establish healthy routines for your child’s lifelong oral health. Give us a call to learn more or schedule your first appointment today.